Nespresso Pods Won’t Work in a Keurig, But Here’s a Smart Solution

Whoever said you can’t mix and match Keurig machines with Nespresso pods didn’t know this secret hack. Everyone’s heard the horror stories of incompatible pod use: Brewing issues, lousy coffee, and even permanent machine damage. Nespresso Original pods and K-Cup pods look similar in shape but pretty different in size — the latter are around two inches in diameter, while Nespresso Vertuo pods are a completely different shape and vary in size. With so much variation in compatibility within the brands themselves, using non-brand capsules seems tricky. That’s why a swap requires the clever workaround of reusable pods.

Simply tear the K-Cup lid and decant the coffee into a reusable pod, aka the Nespresso-friendly container (you can purchase Nespresso Orignal compatible reusable pods on Amazon – as well as reusable pods for Vertuo machines). When the machine processes the pod, it won’t register any difference. For Keurig product owners, this trick works in reverse, too. Purchase Keurig’s reusable pods (which are also available on Amazon), tear the Nespresso lid, and pour the coffee into the other container. The multi-use pods are perfect for facilitating these secret swaps. It’s also a handy trick if you’ve managed to buy any kind of incompatible pods while in the grocery store. Treat this workaround as another point to add to our Keurig hacks to get the most out of your coffee pods. There’s no more need to debate whether Nespresso or Keurig brew the stronger coffee; you get the best of both worlds.

Other considerations for reusable pods

The reusable pod hack is a game-changer for those craving a mix-up of flavors. Whip up Keurig’s Dunkin Original in a Nespresso machine or a jammy Ethiopia pod in your Keurig — it’s the mash-up we secretly all crave. It’s not all smooth sailing, though. To pull this trick out of the bag, there are some extra considerations. For one, not all reusable pods are made equal — compatibility still matters. Always check the packaging for telltale notes on any non-compatible machines.

Extra food for thought includes the grind size you need for reusable pods. Medium-fine is the way forward; this versatile option is middle-of-the-road and adapts to different beverage styles. Anything coarser can be temperamental, risking under-extraction and lackluster flavors. That’s particularly important given that you should already be bracing yourself for a slightly weaker coffee than usual. Compromised strength is the main difference you’ll taste when using reusable pods. Most of these containers designed to be used in a Nespresso machine fit in half a gram less coffee than branded pods; it’s a small sacrifice to make but enough to dissuade you from any further weakening.