Enhance Your Canned Baked Beans with a Single Sauce

The easiest way to create some excitement around the table is to crack out the baked beans at the barbeque. There are several ways to zhush up your canned beans, from crafty additions like half-finished root beer to simple ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry (even the cook who has no time for a grocery run can make do with some garlic and tomato paste). If you want to stir in some added flavor to serve up something a little bit more robust, your trusty BBQ sauce is bound to linger long on the taste buds and maybe even in your future baked beans repertoire.

While some are raised on recipes that call for tomato ketchup mixed into baked beans, the BBQ sauce twist is a tangier and spicier upgrade. BBQ sauce adds a noticeable depth to baked beans that might be otherwise bland, but it’s not overpowering. There are several varieties of BBQ sauce worth using, too — whether you’re going for a smoky set of beans or something sweeter, you’re not stuck for options. Store-bought BBQ sauce is a worthwhile option, but if you’re particular about adding your own spin and putting the seasoning cabinet to work, then making your own homemade BBQ sauce from scratch is the way to go.

How to enjoy your canned beans with BBQ sauce

There are several ways to create a BBQ baked bean dish that is hard to put down. Of course, since beans are the heart of the dish, ensuring that you’ve selected the best canned beans (and absolutely avoided the worst ones) is your first step to success. Beyond this, it’s worth considering whether you prefer your beans extra saucy or more on the thick side. For a not-too-saucy, not-too-dense ratio, aim for ½ a cup of BBQ sauce to about 28 ounces (two cans) of beans. You can always adjust according to how much baked beans you wish to make.

Another way to enhance the flavors is to get bold with ingredients that complement the BBQ taste. Molasses is often added to BBQ canned beans recipes to broaden the sweet flavor and syrupy texture. If you don’t have any molasses to hand, make use of a teaspoon of brown sugar. For more of a hearty canned beans dish, adding in some sauteed onions, mustard powder, and ground beef is the best way to keep bellies full. The ground beef absorbs the BBQ sauce and juices from the pot, and the mustard and sauteed onions are classic flavor enhancers. For a meat substitute, swap out the ground beef for mushrooms, which offer a succulent and meat-like texture to best enjoy your completely veggie-based BBQ baked beans.