The U.S. State with the Highest Number of Tim Hortons Locations

If Boston is Dunkin’ Donuts territory and Seattle is all about Starbucks, what geography correlates to Tim Hortons? The coffee conglomerate — which rivals even Dunkin’ in its varied donut and coffee options — is a Canadian mainstay, but that’s not to say the chain misses out on the United States market. In fact, one particular state lays claim to the country’s highest number of Tim Hortons coffee shops. That state is The Empire State, which accounts for more than 200 Tim Hortons, according to data aggregator ScrapeHero. 

Per Tim Hortons’ website, locations of New York State Tim Hortons range from Syracuse to Staten Island to Potsdam. That means you’ll be able to find at least one cafe whether you’re visiting Western New York or sticking close to New York City. As for exact numbers, ScrapeHero counted 257 Tim Hortons in New York at large. That number accounts for nearly 40% of Tim Hortons in the entire country. Suffice it to say, New Yorkers are never far from a double double coffee — though you can always order the brand’s instant coffee on Amazon. 

Given New York State’s proximity to Canada, the high concentration of Tim Hortons makes sense. After all, cities like Buffalo, Canton, and Rochester aren’t far from the border. Other states with a palpable Tim Hortons presence, however, may be more surprising. The Canadian coffee chain, in actuality, spans the United States, with a presence in 14 additional states. 

New York contains 39% of Tim Hortons cafes in the United States

Unlike other popular, American coffee chains, Tim Hortons has an extremely limited footprint in the United States. A total of 659 Tim Hortons locations span the country, as outlined by ScrapeHero. According to the Canadian brand’s website, that number correlates to only 15 U.S. states. Some of those states are geographically near New York and, therefore, not too far from Tim Hortons’ Canadian origins. Namely, Michigan, then Ohio, contain the country’s second and third most significant concentrations of Tim Hortons; per ScrapeHero, they account for 206 and 133 Tim Hortons eateries, respectively. 

On the East Coast, however, additional states include Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maine, and New Jersey — none of which is particularly close to Canada. You’ll also find at least one Tim Hortons in Kentucky, Minnesota, Georgia, Missouri, North Dakota, Texas, Indiana, and West Virginia. Clearly, these states are scattered all across the country, so if you’re craving a Tim Hortons coffee, it may be easier to order your favorite blend on Amazon. Then again, what better excuse for a Canadian road trip than a hot coffee and fresh glazed donut?