Ranking of 9 Bottled Espresso Martini Brands

How do you take your espresso martini? Do you prefer yours thin and strong (like an actual martini) or creamy and indulgent, with a thick layer of foam on top? There’s an espresso martini for every type of drinker, and if you’re as big a fan of the cocktail as I am, you probably already have your perfect recipe stashed away in the recesses of your mind, ready to be conjured at a moment’s notice. The responsible imbiber should also have a pre-made bottle ready to go whenever the mood strikes.

I get it, nobody will make an espresso martini that matches yours — but that’s no reason not to have a bottle on hand for spontaneity’s sake, and chances are there’s at least a pretty close dupe to your own recipe on the market. I tried (and ranked) nine bottles of espresso martinis and was pleasantly surprised by the wide range of flavors and mouthfeels each displayed. Obviously, I based this ranking on my own preferences, so I’ll give you an idea of my perfect espresso martini: full-bodied, creamy, and almost like a dessert. If your palate sounds the same, the picks toward the top of my list will be an easy buy. If, however, you like your martinis strong, mature, and without much body to speak of, shop the picks toward the bottom of my list. 

Some recommendations are based on firsthand impressions of promotional materials and products provided by the manufacturer.

9. Ocean Organic Espresso Martini

Up first is Ocean’s Organic Espresso Martini. The brand operates an organic farm and distillery in Hawaii, and practices sustainable, organic farming habits and sources its mineral water from a depth of 3,000 feet. It also participates in environmental stewardship through a partnership with PWF (Pacific Whale Foundation). Now, onto its espresso martini offering.

Ocean’s Espresso Martini was probably the most chocolatey of the martinis I tried, and was the only one on this list that I can actually say I didn’t love. Its alcohol notes were mellow, and though the coffee was present and inviting, I found chocolate notes lingering in the back of my throat too long after the sip. Other choices on this list went down very smoothly. so I had to dock points for the strong aftertaste. I will say, though, that if you want an organic espresso martini, it’s worth giving this one a try. It was easily accessible (I found it at my local liquor store) and I’m a big proponent of the company’s sustainability practices. Was it my favorite espresso martini? No. Will some consumers prefer this over other options on my list? Absolutely.

8. On The Rocks Espresso Martini

Next, we have On The Rocks’ Espresso Martini. I’ll preface this by saying I’m a general fan of On The Rocks cocktails — I’ve previously had a whiskey sour from the brand that was simply to die for, and I’ve enjoyed its espresso martini before. While this wasn’t my favorite cocktail of the bunch (for reasons we’ll get to in a moment), it would be an easy grab if I wanted to craft a frozen espresso martini. 

This cocktail is also intensely chocolatey with sharp vodka notes that don’t try to hide. If you like your espresso martinis strong and sippable, this would be a solid purchase. It’s instantly warming and texturally lighter than some others on this list. On The Rocks’ Espresso Martini is a good buy when you need a strong pick-me-up, and it’s a no-frills drink for those who don’t want the complexity of some other cocktails on this list. I’d call this a straightforward cocktail that needs no introduction, perfect for days when you’ve been faced with too much unpredictability — you’ll get what you asked for with this drink, which is a comforting prospect in ever-changing modern times. 

7. Craftwell Chocolate Espresso Martini

Up next we have Craftwell’s Chocolate Espresso Martini. Craftwell’s is an espresso martini you’ll find yourself taking to parties — it’s one of the more playful options on this list, while still retaining a ton of strength. Similar to my previous pick, it’s very sippable and begs to be savored. The brand in general (which exists under the 2 Towns Ciderhouse umbrella) deserves some attention, especially if you’re located in the Pacific Northwest.

Another ultra-strong cocktail that’s not for the faint of heart, Craftwell’s Chocolate Espresso Martini is also thin-bodied and indulgent. It’s slightly sweeter than my previous choices, while still leaving the drinker no doubt as to what’s in it. If you want a mellow cocktail, this won’t be your favorite — rather, buy it when you need your drink to pack a punch. It has a very alcoholic finish with blatant chocolate notes. As someone who likes her drinks impeccably smooth, this wouldn’t be my top choice; however, when enjoying in the future, I’d consider elevating it with some Bailey’s for an even more chocolatey cocktail. 

6. Trader Joe’s Espresso Martini

Though Trader Joe’s Espresso Martini can’t compete with a homemade version, I wouldn’t call it a bad buy if you need a ready-to-drink bottle of the cocktail. I have my suspicions that this will be a divisive placement on my list. But given that the bottle cost me just under $10 and was available at a spot I tend to do my grocery shopping, its accessibility earned it a point or two — plus, I’d have to say, it really was pretty smooth.

I’d call this a safe middling choice if you want to bring a drink for a crowd, but don’t know where the patrons’ preferences lie. Is it impeccably crafted? No, and if you’re looking for a sharper, more distinct espresso martini, I’d still go with one of the previous choices. However, the finish of this one was slightly smoother than the previous drinks, and a little sharper than some of my following choices. Coffee and chocolate both come through strong, and my biggest complaint was that the vanilla was barely detectable. On the whole, this is a safe buy for those times when you need to run to the store and grab a quick cocktail, though I’m not sure I’ll find myself seeking it out often.

5. Ketel One Espresso Martini

Given that Ketel One is one of the best vodkas for espresso martinis, it only makes sense that the brand would create its own bottled version of the cocktail. Indeed, I think the brand went all-out with this (massive) bottle, which only cost me about $20 at my local liquor store. Ketel One’s Espresso Martini is not for the faint of heart. It boasts strength and smoothness in one fell swoop and is certainly impressive, but I’d only expect that given the brand’s notoriety.

First, Ketel One’s version of the popular cocktail definitely isn’t modest about showing off its chocolate and vodka notes. Put a glass of this in front of me and a single whiff would leave me with no doubt as to what the drink was. I liked the sensual journey this took me on — chocolate and sharp alcohol comes through at the front of the sip, giving way to coffee flavors as it finishes. Though it does nothing to hide its components, the finish sees everything going away rather quickly, leaving the drinker ready for another sip. It gets its middling spot on this list due to its simultaneous coherence and showoff-y nature.

4. Thomas Ashbourne Espresso Martini

Thomas Ashbourne’s small-batch craft cocktails have a lot going for them. They’re all sustainably crafted, Kosher, and boast using all-natural ingredients, while retaining the same great taste you’d hope for in a cocktail. Moreover, each of its bottles was created in collaboration with a celebrity — Sarah Jessica Parker reigns over the brand’s Cosmo, Playboy Carti is at the helm of its Hardscatto, and we have Neil Patrick Harris to thank for the Thomas Ashbourne’s Espresso Martini.

Off the bat, this espresso martini tastes expensive. I’m not sure how to qualify that — it’s just gentle and dark, so though it doesn’t hit with all the sharpness of some of the aforementioned cocktails, you won’t feel like it’s missing anything. It keeps an air of sophistication and amplifies it with one of the most pronounced coffee flavors of any on this list. Chocolate lingers on your lips, and vanilla notes provide more of a grounding foundation than anything else. It’s aromatic, luxurious, and easy to drink straight — but, personally, you’ll find me transforming this into an espresso martini affogato at my next shindig. 

3. Via Carota Espresso Martini

Admittedly, I don’t think I’d tried any of the Via Carota’s offerings before indulging in its bottled Espresso Martini. The brand has no shortage of cocktail offerings and will be a top contender the next time I need to order pre-made options for a gathering. Plus, I can’t help but mention its stunning choice of vessel. Am I allowed to have a slight bias toward a brand just because it utilizes gorgeous bottles? There’s certainly something to be said for functional centerpieces, and Via Carota’s cocktails are nothing if not that. Aesthetic appeal aside, I’m happy to say this beverage held up in flavor as well.

Why did I enjoy this drink in particular? It’s rich and full-bodied, for starters. I will, however, admit to this being a bit of an outlier placement — the one thing this drink doesn’t have going for it is balance. Coffee and chocolate notes far overpowered its alcohol content, which only showed in the slight burn it left at the end of the sip. It’s not a delicate drink and definitely packs a punch. However, I simply couldn’t resist the chocolatey mouthfeel it left me with. It was definitely akin to a dessert in that respect, not at all shy about being rich and decadent. 

2. Seven Days Espresso Martini

I have to say a couple things about this brand before diving into the tasting. While Seven Days’ Espresso Martini was my second favorite of any on this list, I don’t think I’ll be purchasing from the brand again. Despite website promises that orders ship between 1-3 business days, my order took about three weeks to ship. I could have been understanding had the company replied to any of my emails inquiring about my order status. Instead, I was treated to a surprise delivery quite a while after ordering. If you need a cocktail in a rush, unfortunately I can’t recommend Seven Days; but for flavor purposes alone, I had to give this spot number two. 

My favorite thing about Seven Days’ Espresso Martini was its abundant vanilla notes. In case it needs saying, I adore the warmth of vanilla in everything (I even put a splash in my morning bowl of oatmeal), and I was glad to find that Seven Days used vanilla vodka when crafting its cocktail. Despite being a strong drink, it manages to go down very smooth, and will leave you with a warm throat at the end of a sip. The cocktail packs a surprising punch, especially given how light in color it is compared to some others on this list; I expected it to taste more watered-down, and was pleasantly surprised to find quite the opposite. 

1. XXI Espresso Martini

If I was a composer, you’d be most likely to find me crafting my next sonata in honor of XXI’s Espresso Martini. For me, this espresso martini stood miles above the rest. It tasted closest to my home recipe (which, yes, I make with cream), and really blew me away in terms of its texture and flavor profile. An impeccably-crafted espresso martini is actually what kindled the fires that brought the XXI brand to fruition — a happy accident for which I’ll be forever grateful. The company’s menu is small and intriguing. In addition to its espresso martini, it offers martinis in the following flavors: chocolate, chocolate peppermint, peach, and raspberry. 

Simply put, this bottle is the espresso martini of my dreams. It’s thick and creamy with a rich chocolate flavor that’s only enhanced by subtle espresso notes. The beginning of a sip will wow you with gentle chocolate flavor and the alcohol comes through as you travel through the sip. Shaking it with ice activates a dreamy froth on top. It was, quite honestly, difficult to keep myself from finishing this bottle in one go (though that certainly wouldn’t have spelled good news for my coherence — after all, this is still a strong drink!). If you think we have similar espresso martini palates, you may find yourself making this a regular buy. That being said, fans of stronger, thinner, and more unadulterated espresso martinis still may prefer some former options.


When ranking these cocktails, I had to rely on personal preference. Given that I like my espresso martinis to be indulgent, almost dessert-worthy confections, XXI’s was my top choice by a mile. It was the only cocktail that included cream and tasted the closest to my preferred homemade version. But obviously, everyone’s cocktail preferences will differ, and because mine isn’t the end-all-be-all palate, I think each cocktail on this list would be the favorite of some consumer.

I ranked these primarily on how smooth and balanced their flavors were and how thick the body was. Some drinks that boasted vanilla notes got higher rankings, as the vanilla warmed and tempered the alcoholic flavors. Strong drinks that I wanted to sip (and didn’t feel I needed a refill of) ranked toward the bottom of my list, but should be your first buys if you’re looking for a no-nonsense, true-to-form espresso martini. If, however, you want a bottle you’d be tempted to finish in one go, XXI’s will likely be your top choice as well.