Costco Customers Highlight Significant Quality Concerns with Kirkland Bacon

Lately, Costco customers aren’t running to buy one of the store’s everyday products. After noticing a major quality issue with the warehouse’s Kirkland Signature bacon — namely that it’s got so thin it falls apart — many Costco customers aren’t exactly happy. 

Over on Reddit, one user lamented how four batches of Kirkland Signature bacon, bought over the span of three months, shredded apart even with careful handling. They commented, “So paper thin I can’t even hold it up without it falling apart. And this is with me being very, very careful when removing it from the package.” Another Reddit user replied, “Unfortunately strong agree. The last pack I opened had the structure of Halloween decor cobwebs. BOOOOOO.” Aside from being cut too thin, customers noted the bacon has too much fat, which is another quality issue with the meat that’s turning some customers off.

Some on Reddit suggested that the original commenter try Kirkland’s thick-cut bacon instead. However, there have been issues with the thick-cut bacon as well, with customers reporting that the flavor is too gamey. Another Reddit user found the packages to be too slimy, stating, “For the second time I opened a package of Kirkland thick cut bacon and found both packages to be slimy,” adding, “It’s still a month and a half from its expiration date and the packages were sealed.”

If your Kirkland bacon is low-quality, you can return it

With Costco customers reporting quality issues with meat, it’s always good to know how to tell your bacon has gone bad. If the bacon is slimy and smells sour or the color is less pinky and more gray or green, it’s a good sign that it has spoiled. But don’t toss it out or compost it just yet if you bought it from Costco. Note that you can return the bacon, even if it’s been opened, which is one thing you should know about Costco’s hassle-free return policy. The bacon doesn’t even have to be spoiled for you to return it, as long as you are not satisfied with it.

So the next time you buy Kirkland bacon, and find the thin-cut version to be too fatty or stringy, or the thick-cut version to be too gamey or slimy, simply bring the opened package of bacon and your receipt to the returns counter. Costco will honor your return; the store wants to “guarantee your satisfaction on every product we sell, and will refund your purchase price …”