David Chang’s Preferred Knife Shows You Don’t Need to Spend a Fortune on Kitchen Tools

When it comes to investing in kitchen equipment, the old adage “buy once, cry once” is usually pretty good advice. A well-made cast iron Dutch oven, for instance, can last for generations. The same is true of a good roasting pan, a stock pot, and even a chef’s knife. So, it might surprise you to know that the founder of the Momofuku restaurant group, David Chang, says that it’s okay to go cheap when the time comes to buy a paring knife. In fact, his favorite models are anything with a plastic handle that costs less than $10.

“There’s no reason to buy a fancy paring knife,” Chang said in an Instagram video, explaining that while he’s owned expensive models during his professional career, a cheap blade like those made by Victorinox, Wüsthof, and others is “one of the most indispensable tools in a professional kitchen. In the kitchens I’ve worked in, almost everyone uses this kind of paring knife, and it’s the paring knife I use at home.”

Paring knives are essential kitchen tools, believe it or not, and the argument in favor of cheap paring knives all boils down to utility. You can use them for everything from hulling strawberries (which you can also do with a vegetable peeler) to trimming meat. As such, you need a thin blade that you can sharpen frequently — here’s how often to do so, according to a pro chef — but it shouldn’t be so expensive that you’ll be heartbroken if the tip snaps off.

Choosing a cheap paring knife

The downside of cheap paring knives is that they don’t last very long. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to replace them about once a year because the blades can get worn down, and the thin knife edges can pick up nicks and scratches that sharpening can’t fix. This is why they’re often sold in a two-pack, making them even more affordable. The best place to buy a cheap paring knife is at a kitchen supply store, where you can find them for as little as $4 each. If there’s no store like this near you, though, there are plenty of options on Amazon, like this four-piece set of VITUER paring knives.

In his Instagram video, David Chang said that his favorite model of cheap paring knife is made by Victorinox. This brand is perhaps better known for making Swiss army knives, but it’s also a very popular manufacturer of low-cost knives for professional kitchens. You can find a similar model to the one Chang describes on Amazon for around $11, but any similar model priced low enough that you could easily replace it at a moment’s notice is a good choice. Don’t get too hung up on the brand. “Anything that’s cheap, plastic handle, under 10 bucks, that’s the paring knife for you,” said Chang.