Sometimes a fast food hack is designed to make a meal the restaurant doesn’t offer or improve an existing one, like the steamed bun hack that upgrades any McDonald’s sandwich. But some hacks are clever money savers reflecting the fact that combo meals, dollar menus, and surge pricing sometimes create spending loopholes allowing you to score a bargain with careful ordering. Such is the case with the volume of beef available in Arby’s roast beef sandwiches. According to coupon sites and social media, if you order a Double Roast Beef and ask for an extra bun, you can build two regular Classic Roast Beef sandwiches at a deep discount.
Arby’s has something of a reputation for its “secret” menu hacks like the Meat Mountain, a 2014 promotion piling nine types of meat between two buns. The store is also known for accommodating special requests for condiments and fixings. Meanwhile, on-menu sandwich options offer double helpings for not a lot of extra money. At the Bothell, Washington location, a Classic Roast Beef is $6.09, but you can order a Double for only $1.70 more, and a Half Pound is $2.80 more. Similar deals exist for the Classic Beef ‘N’ Cheddar sandwich. So, rather than pay $12 for two Classic Roast Beef sandwiches, you ought to be able to make two sandwiches for a little under $8 if you have an extra bun. Right?
Arby’s has the beef, but where’s the bun?
In this era of rising fast food prices, we decided to investigate this hack ourselves, visiting a location in Washington state (one of the most expensive states for fast food). At the drive-through, we ordered a Classic Double Beef and a soda, casually asking for an extra bun. The clerk seemed confused and said they’d have our total at the window. On arrival, the manager had taken over. She told us that there was no way to ring up the extra bun and that it wouldn’t be fair to other diners to just give us one. The jig was up and Arby’s was on to the hack (at least at this location). It’s possible the trick once worked, and results may vary from store to store. The good news is, there was definitely double the beef for less than double the price.
So, what if you can’t score the extra bun? Take the Double Roast Beef home and divvy it up there. The disadvantage is you’ll have to butter and grill the other bun yourself (or settle for a plain one). The advantage is you can customize both sandwiches with different toppings. Bring an extra bun with you, and you can split everything up in the car.