The Luscious, Velvety Spread That Will Elevate Your Next Hot Chocolate Experience

Hot chocolate transformation is a tricky thing on so many levels: How much is too much, which additions overpower the namesake chocolate ingredient, and when is the too-sweet line crossed? Fortunately, there’s one creamy stir-in that halts those questions at first sip. It’s a spread that thrives, unsurprisingly, in Italy, where the primary ingredient grows on thousands of rustic trees, most notably in the Sicilian farmlands near Bronte. We’re talking about the world-famous pistachio nut, which lends its name and essence to the sweet, velvety pistachio cream. It’s a secret ingredient for upgrading your hot chocolate from “so-so” to “soooo-good.” 

Pistachio cream is different from pistachio butter or paste — you don’t want to stir those unsweetened spreads into your hot chocolate, at least if you want the genuine dreamy-creamy sweetness in your cup. Pistachio cream essentially evolves from processing shelled pistachio nuts, sugar, and oil until it’s soft and spreadable. Additional ingredients, especially in premade jarred versions like Alkis’ Pistachio Cream Paste, may include powdered milk, cornstarch, thickening powders, or emulsifiers, depending on the brand. You can also make it yourself for the ultimate fresh flavor.

To create Italian-style hot chocolate with pistachio cream, you’ll likely use white chocolate, mostly because it’s superbly compatible with pistachio cream. Once you’ve procured the pistachio cream, either by your own hand or through local or online vendors, the sky’s the limit on customizing a game-changing pistachio hot chocolate drink.

Customizing creamy pistachio hot chocolate

Start by bringing some milk to a stovetop simmer. The best bet is pistachio milk or standard cow’s milk, but if opting for other sustainable plant-based milks, make sure they’re unflavored and as neutral-tasting as possible. You certainly don’t want to overpower the delicate, earthy, nutty nature of pistachios.

Once it reaches a simmer, slowly add shaved white chocolate to taste, stirring constantly while it melts into the milk. The more, the merrier, for the richest, most dense cup of hot chocolate, which is more in line with the thickness of true Italian hot chocolate, known locally as cioccolata calda. Then it’s time for the pistachio cream; add it carefully into the milky, chocolatey liquid, whisking for fluffiness, then folding gently into an even, creamy smoothness. The amount of pistachio cream is, again, down to personal proclivities, but a general consensus is about one-eighth cup of the cream per one cup of milk. If necessary for thickening, add a touch of cornstarch.

Pour into waiting cups and top with unsweetened whipping cream or cold foam if desired. It’s okay to sprinkle on some cinnamon, nutmeg, or crushed pistachio nuts. Just remember: Pistachio cream is the star flavor here! It very likely needs no adornment, just its sweet, nutty personality to warm your day. With any leftover ingredients, try making our DIY deluxe pistachio latte recipe.