The Surprising Method for Efficiently Cleaning Your Waffle Iron

We’ve all been there. You wake up with a particular hankering, gather all of your ingredients, and spend precious time whipping up a fresh batch of buttermilk waffle batter. But, when you open your waffle iron, you realize too late that it needs a good scrub. Keeping a waffle maker clean is not only sanitary, but it’s also key to ensuring that the device works correctly and continues to create that perfect waffle shape we all crave.

It’s recommended that you clean waffle makers after every use to keep them grime-free, but it can often seem daunting to attack all of those little grooves. However, there’s an unexpected everyday tool you can use to make the process incredibly easy: a toothbrush. 

Start by making sure the iron is cool and turned off to prevent any injury. Using a cloth, soft brush, or paper towel, wipe away any crumbs, oil, or other residue from the interior of the machine. Next, take a toothbrush that’s been dipped in warm, soapy water and insert it into the grooves. Scrub the brush into all the crevices, then dampen a cloth or paper towel and use it to wipe the plates down. Finally, wipe down the outside of the maker with a damp sponge or cloth and let it dry completely before storing.

Top tips for waffle iron maintenance

It’s also a good idea to deep clean your waffle maker every so often to combat any build-up of residues and oils. To do this, mix some baking soda with warm water in a bowl to form a paste. Brush the paste onto the interior of the waffle maker and leave it for about an hour. After the baking soda has worked its magic, use a damp cloth to wipe it away and dry the iron with a clean cloth or paper towel. If it’s tough to get into the crevices with your hands, try using toothpicks or a chopstick to help maneuver the cloth between the grooves.

Other tips for maintaining a waffle maker include using blunt, non-metal tools to remove cooked waffles to prevent scratches and applying only a light coating of oil during cooking to minimize residue. Regular cleaning will also go a long way in extending the life of your waffle iron, ensuring that it’s always ready for your top waffle recipes. And, with your handy toothbrush on standby, there’ll be no stopping you come breakfast time.