What is the Best Cut of Beef for Steak Tartare?

Steak tartare, mythologized as the food of warriors, can sometimes be polarizing — it’s served raw, after all. When made correctly, the dish is generally safe to consume (though there is always some risk with raw ingredients), but to prepare steak tartare at home, you’ll first have to consider which cut of beef to make it from. Food Republic spoke to Ed Cotton, chef and partner at both Leonetta and Jack & Charlie’s in New York City, and he had some suggestions. “I always like using beef tenderloin tail or flap meat for my beef tartare,” he said. “It’s generally a better value and still has the tenderness that I enjoy when eating a beef tartare.”

And while you could go for more marbled cuts of beef, that marbling — which is fat — can get kind of unctuous, making for a greasy eat, which isn’t going to be the most pleasant tartare experience. Cotton also advised against cuts that might otherwise require tenderizing: “Other cuts of meat that should be avoided are hanger steak or shoulder meats, along with tough cuts of meat that are muscular.” These latter cuts in particular can end up giving you a lot to chew on (literally). No amount of fancy knifework will make it easier to eat, alas.

To hand-chop or not to hand-chop your beef

When it comes to the how should you prepare tartare debate, Ed Cotton is wholeheartedly Team Hand-Chop. “The mouthfeel is a lot better, in my opinion,” he explained. “Hand chopping it gives it better mouth feel, texture, and overall consistency.”

Cotton also had some advice for hand-cutting it: “I also feel it helps to pop the meat into the freezer to get a deep chill on it before you chop it.” It doesn’t have to be for long — just 15 minutes will do, ensuring firmness while not actually freezing it. You will likely find it much easier to cut if you chill it thoroughly first.

Cotton further cautions people against using one appliance they might have in their kitchens.”I have seen people use meat grinders, and that makes me cringe because it makes the tartare soft and mushy, which is not the desired consistency,” he said. Neither should you use a food processor, according to Anthony Bourdain.

There is also the aesthetic appeal. Do you really want to eat what is essentially ground beef, raw? Instead, hand-chopping your steak tartare shows off your knife skills, and those identically shaped cubes of meat also just look much more impressive — to say nothing of appetizing.