BLT — that’s bacon, lettuce, and tomato, if you live under a rock — sandwiches are a summer staple. This classic sandwich is especially ideal when tomato season is in full swing. There are a lot of tomato varieties out there, but one in particular is certain to elevate your BLT from a standard, everyday sandwich, to an extraordinarily pleasant eating experience: the beefsteak.
The beefsteak tomato gets its name from its meaty flesh, similar to its namesake cut of meat. This type of tomato is characterized by its typically large size — it can grow to over a pound in weight each and produce fruits of such a diameter that a slice can be the same size as a some pieces of bread. However big these beefsteak tomato might grow to be, their flavor remains mild and sweet. The flavor profile is not overpowering, which means that if you use them in a BLT, you will still be able to taste the salty, crispy bacon and fresh lettuce. Just be sure to season the tomato slices with a bit of salt and pepper to really bring out its unique taste — and don’t forget, tomato placement is key to avoiding a soggy sandwich, as is the use of a sturdy bread.
Finding fresh beefsteak tomatoes can be a bit tricky
As delicious as beefsteak tomatoes are on a BLT, they aren’t always widely available in grocery stores, even when they’re in season. If your supermarket does not reliably carry beefsteak tomatoes, you may have to look elsewhere. When it’s tomato season, which is typically from May through October but can differ slightly depending on your geographical location, check out your local farmers markets and ask vendors if they have what you’re looking for.
When it is out of tomato season, you might be tempted to put your BLT dreams on hold until summer. However, that is not always the case; if you live near a commercial greenhouse or hydroponic farm, you might have access to beefsteak tomatoes all year round. A quick internet search or inquiry on social media about these types of facilities may point you towards lesser-known stores and markets that carry these products, even on the off-season.
If none of those options are available to you, but you really need a BLT in the dead of winter, you can pick up a carton of grocery store cherry tomatoes. This much smaller type of tomato will offer the best flavor, and you can mash them up and put them on your sandwich like a spread. Cherry tomatoes are no beefsteaks, that’s for sure, but they’ll keep you going until tomato season comes around again. If you are team beefsteak or bust, there are also plenty of tomato alternatives you can add to your next BLT.