madburgers blog

Mad Burgers Blog

Reasons to Reconsider Microwaving Your Oatmeal

Reasons to Reconsider Microwaving Your Oatmeal

Oatmeal is typically eaten as a breakfast dish; it’s easy to make, nutritious, and you can elevate even the blandest oatmeal with secret ingredients that can be anything from brown sugar to…

Ranking Every California Heritage Wine from Aldi

Ranking Every California Heritage Wine from Aldi

Aldi is a leading discount grocery store providing quality and affordability. The German-based retailer does this by passing savings on to its customers, selling 90% of its products under an…

How Was the Dilly Bar at Dairy Queen Named?

How Was the Dilly Bar at Dairy Queen Named?

Food Food History Dairy Queen is home to the famous Blizzard, fast food burgers that are ranked above several competitors’ offerings, and a lineup of unforgettable fast food milkshakes. Of course, the…

Tips for Selecting Juicy, Flavorful Peaches

Tips for Selecting Juicy, Flavorful Peaches

If you’re someone who enjoys the taste of fresh summer produce, learning how to choose the sweetest peaches at the store is essential. However, besides knowing what to look for…

How Taco Bell Keeps Its Prices Low

How Taco Bell Keeps Its Prices Low

Restaurants Fast Food It’s true — Taco Bell has had its ups and its downs (how about when the ‘Bell flopped in Mexico?), but for most of its historic six…