madburgers blog

Mad Burgers Blog

Why Is Malaysian Fried Chicken So Delicious?

Why Is Malaysian Fried Chicken So Delicious?

Exclusives If there’s one thing we love, it’s international fried chicken styles. There’s just something about how different countries and cultures can take similar ingredients and create something entirely their…

12 Ideal Wine Pairings for Taco Night

12 Ideal Wine Pairings for Taco Night

Simply put, tacos are one of the greatest foods around. So why not pair them with one of the greatest bevis around? Enter: wine. While a beer-taco combo might be…

What’s the Best Meat Cut for Salisbury Steak?

What's the Best Meat Cut for Salisbury Steak?

Exclusives If you’ve ever had Salisbury steak with mushroom gravy, you know firsthand its delicious savoriness. After all, it’s a blend of ground beef formed into a steak and then topped…

Understanding Miso Paste

Understanding Miso Paste

Pretty much everyone has heard of miso soup. It’s ubiquitous at Japanese restaurants and a common starter at vegan or other eateries as well. For home dwellers, instant miso soup is…

6 Key Etiquette Tips for Dining on a Plane

6 Key Etiquette Tips for Dining on a Plane

Even the most essential tasks become a little more challenging when you’re flying. Although you’ll get a snack, a drink, and perhaps a few meals depending on the duration of…